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TO ALL NEVADA DRIVERS, there is ONE simple truth your car insurance company doesn't want you to know. If you are currently insured, drive less than 50 miles/day and live in a qualified zip code you can get an extremely high discount. Additionally, if you have no DUI's, you can get even more discounts. But do you think your auto insurance company or agent will tell you that?

When William called our agency, he was shocked, to find out his local insurance agent was ripping him off, and was told that he’s getting the best rates.

"I’ve been with our insurance agent for over 15 years, and I thought we are getting the best deal until I found out that we were able to pay about 42% less than what we were paying with our previous insurance company.! I only wish we had discovered this sooner.”, -Oscar-

When drivers come to our office, they can view all the best rates in their area from our top carriers that we represent. It is very likely that you can save $500+ per year on their car insurance rates.

The "RULE" that everyone needs to know is NEVER buy insurance without comparing rates and discounts from an INDEPENDENT AGENT because they actually work for you, NOT for the insurance company like most CAPTIVE AGENTS DO.

Are you being overcharged by your insurance company? It is highly likely you are. Take two minutes out of your day to protect yourself from overpaying by calling us at 800-278-2105 or visit our website at

NOTE: You’re NEVER LOCKED into your current policy. If you’ve already paid your current policy, we can very easily help you cancel it, and get your money refunded to you.

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